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Def. Contract. Cmd. - Washington
Government Contracting Office
2006 Government Contracts
Defense Department

Contracting Office Information

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Contracting Office Def. Contract. Cmd. - Washington
Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts for this Contracting Office from 2000 to 2020 $13,151,034,272
Number of Defense Contracts for this Contracting Office from 2000 to 2020 8,123
Govt Contracts (Defense) - Count/$ Dollar Amount
2020 0/$0
2019 0/$0
2018 0/$0
2017 0/$0
2016 0/$0
2015 0/$0
2014 0/$0
2013 0/$0
2012 0/$0
2011 0/$0
2010 0/$0
2009 0/$0
2008 0/$0
2007 76/
2006 1,395/
2005 1,322/
2004 1,805/
2003 947/
2002 908/
2001 893/
2000 777/

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Defense Contract List
for the Year 2006
for this Govt Contracting Office
(* Contract Dollar Amounts and Defense Dept Contract IDs are available with data download)
Contract Dollar Amount *
Defense Dept Contract IDs/Numbers *
Government Contractor Name & Address DREAMHAMMER INC
6400 BEULAH ST STE 300
Product/Service RDTE/Services-Basic Research Principal Place of Performance Washington, D.C.
(District of Columbia County)
Claimant Program SERVICES
From Date 1/27/2006 To Date 1/27/2006

Contract Dollar Amount *
Defense Dept Contract IDs/Numbers *
Government Contractor Name & Address DREAMHAMMER INC
6400 BEULAH ST STE 300
Product/Service Other ADP & Telecommunication Services Principal Place of Performance District of Columbia, D.C.
(District of Columbia County)
Claimant Program SERVICES
From Date 5/1/2006 To Date 5/1/2006

Contract Dollar Amount *
Defense Dept Contract IDs/Numbers *
Government Contractor Name & Address DREAMHAMMER INC
6400 BEULAH ST STE 300
Product/Service RDTE/Other Community Svcs & Develop-Adv Tech Dev Principal Place of Performance Washington, D.C.
(District of Columbia County)
Claimant Program SERVICES
From Date 2/3/2006 To Date 2/3/2006

(* Contract Dollar Amounts and Defense Dept Contract IDs are
available with data download)

Page: 1 ... 636  637  638  639  640  641  642  643  644  645  646  647  648  649  650  651  652  653  654  655  656  657  658  659  660  661  662  663  664  665  666  667  668  669  670  671  672  673  674  675  676  677  678  679  680  681  682  683  684  685  686  687  688  689  690  691  692  693  694  695  696  697  698  699  700  701  702  703  704 


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