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Defense Contract Totals in 2020   Count:3,603,454  Dollar Amount:$421,753,292,925
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TACOM Rock Island
Government Contracting Office
2007 Government Contracts
Defense Department

Contracting Office Information

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Contracting Office TACOM Rock Island
Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts for this Contracting Office from 2000 to 2020 $14,649,566,397
Number of Defense Contracts for this Contracting Office from 2000 to 2020 24,190
Govt Contracts (Defense) - Count/$ Dollar Amount
2020 0/$0
2019 0/$0
2018 0/$0
2017 3/$-1,593
2016 2/
2015 7/
2014 15/
2013 18/
2012 48/
2011 808/
2010 1,598/
2009 2,283/
2008 2,771/
2007 4,002/
2006 3,411/
2005 3,605/
2004 2,671/
2003 1,232/
2002 672/
2001 511/
2000 533/

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Defense Contract List
for the Year 2007
for this Govt Contracting Office
(* Contract Dollar Amounts and Defense Dept Contract IDs are available with data download)
Contract Dollar Amount *
Defense Dept Contract IDs/Numbers *
Government Contractor Name & Address ARGUS INTERNATIONAL LTD
NEWARK , DE  19711
Product/Service Optical Instruments, Test Equip, Comps & Accys Principal Place of Performance Scotts Valley, California
(Santa Cruz County)
Claimant Program WEAPONS
From Date 11/20/2006 To Date 8/21/2007

Contract Dollar Amount *
Defense Dept Contract IDs/Numbers *
Government Contractor Name & Address ARGUS INTERNATIONAL LTD
NEWARK , DE  19711
Product/Service Optical Sighting and Ranging Equipment Principal Place of Performance Scotts Valley, California
(Santa Cruz County)
Claimant Program WEAPONS
Weapon System M1/M1A1 ABRAMS TANK
From Date 12/11/2006 To Date 9/19/2007

Contract Dollar Amount *
Defense Dept Contract IDs/Numbers *
Government Contractor Name & Address ARGUS INTERNATIONAL LTD
NEWARK , DE  19711
Product/Service Optical Instruments, Test Equip, Comps & Accys Principal Place of Performance Scotts Valley, California
(Santa Cruz County)
Claimant Program WEAPONS
Weapon System M1/M1A1 ABRAMS TANK
From Date 2/28/2007 To Date 8/2/2007

(* Contract Dollar Amounts and Defense Dept Contract IDs are
available with data download)

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